Year in Review
Provided free arts enrichment and entertainment to 23,000+ visitors at 28 free events in the Omaha metro
Hosted more than 220 unique performances that featured more than 140 individual adult performers and more than 230 individual youth performers
Paid over $68,360 to creative workers, including event planners and managers, audio engineers, stagehands, and professional artist stipends
Provided paid work to 8 participants in our creative workforce development program
Completed a 3-year strategic plan
Launched our second major initiative, Ourstory, focused on small house design and development
Supported a semester-long designbuild studio at UNL’s College of Architecture for 13 graduate students and hosted a free, month-long design exhibition in Omaha
Featured in 11 news outlets
Provided fiscal sponsorship to 3 local arts projects
Received 1 national design award
Ran a social media awareness campaign, focused on the greater Omaha metro, that included 200+ posts, 19 original videos, and reached 153,000+ people
Provided free arts enrichment and entertainment to 11,500+ visitors at 30 free events in the Omaha metro
Hosted more than 215 unique performances that featured more than 50 individual adult performers and more than 230 individual youth performers
Paid over $135,500 directly to creative workers, including event planners and managers, designers, audio engineers, stagehands, and professional artist stipends
Provided paid work to 11 young adult participants in our creative workforce development program
Featured in 12 news outlets
Received 2 national design awards
Ran a social media awareness campaign, focused on the greater Omaha metro, that included 240+ posts, 19 original videos, and reached 161,000+ people
Hosted 14 free live entertainment events in the Omaha metro
Hosted more than 90 unique performing artists of all ages
Began a creative workforce development program to train and mentor audio engineers and stagehands
Featured in 10 local publications and 1 national outlet
Celebrated the end of OMS's construction
Ran a social media awareness campaign that included over 200 posts, 5 original videos and reached 54,000+ people
Purchased and repaired the OMS truck
Supported a semester-long designbuild studio at UNL’s Nebraska Innovation Studio and College of Architecture for 16 undergraduate students
Completed the OMS design, including the custom truck fit-out plan and equipment selections
Hosted a public event to announce the final design
Completed the first 50% of OMS's construction tasks
Supported Omaha and Lincoln-based metal workers, mechanics, musicians, and designers
Obtained 501(c)(3) recognition for Partners for Livable Omaha
Launched a social media awareness campaign that included 190 posts and 12 original videos and reached 8,300 people